MCS, de meest onbegrepen aandoening (Dr. Dan Pompa)

Dr. Pompa describes his experience with MCS (Multiple Chemical Sensitivity), Chemical Allergies, Environmental Illness, MCS and or tilt (gulf oil spill). To share your story visit:

MCS en verstoorde bijnierfunctie (Dr. Andrew Neville, ND) adrenal fatigue

The condition of Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS), while poorly recognized by conventional medicine, is a very real and very debilitating condition. It is also very strongly associated with Adrenal Dysfunction. In fact, I have never had a patient with MCS who did not have associated---and often causal---underlying Adrenal Dysfunction. A person with MCS is not crazy, she is not hysterical, and the condition is not "all in her head." This is a real medical condition, with real biochemical and physiologic causes, and with real protocols for healing, as well. The main underlying problem is an overactive stress response system that has put the patient in a situation where he/she is always on red alert, always hyper-vigilant to the next stressor. This suppresses immune function and detoxification. Combined, for these susceptible individuals, these circumstances will cause increased sensitivity to just about everything in their environment. As I explain in this video, while avoidance is certainly key, an essential part of treatment is balancing and calming the stress response, from the adrenal hormones and HPA axis, to the autonomic nervous system (ANS), to the central nervous system that contributes to the sensitivity.

The common element between those who suffer from MCS is stress.

(Joey Lott)

In this video, Joey Lott. creator of Peaceful Possibility, describes the causes of MCS/EI, and how this information can help you to create a new path of healing and recovery in your life. Having recovered from Multiple Chemical Sensitivity himself, Joey knows that recovery is possible, and he helps others to heal from this condition. Here you'll learn some of the important insights that Joey has gained through his work with those with MCS that allows people to regain their health and discover a whole new life of freedom.